Community Christmas set to return
Custer Community Christmas has been an event held the third Saturday of every December for nearly 30 years. It has held different names and it has been in many different venues. Volunteers have moved through the program working different spots for just one or two or many years. Here is a quick explanation of Custer Community Christmas and how it works in 2024.
The Custer Community Christmas (CCC) is a program sponsored by the Custer Ministerial Alliance (CMA).
Every year a letter goes out to potential donors to take this opportunity to donate to the community for Christmas. Donated funds provide for the three parts of CCC and the balance goes into CMA’s discretionary account. This account is used to help the community for different situations at the pastors’ discretion. This can be anything from gas vouchers to new roofs for a non-profit to a motel room for a transient.
Every year a letter and reply form also goes out to Custer and Buffalo Gap community members. The list of names this letter goes to is a master list that has been active since the year 2000. Each year names have been added and some have been edited out. It is a living, moving list that has been maintained by Donna McConnell.
This letter asks you to fill out each family member name and ages of the children. Gift cards are given to the adults and the teenage children. For children 0-12, the parents will choose a gift for them from Santa’s Workshop. It also asks you to choose whether you would like a turkey or ham with your Christmas basket.
The letter and reply form are available at the Storehouse. You can also call McConnell at 605-440-0518 if you would like to receive this letter. Get your reply form back by Dec. 4. If you do not return the letter by this day you will not be turned away at the door but you will lose your opportunity to make choices.
Part one is the dinner. In December the CMA provides a Christmas dinner for the meet and eat held the first Tuesday of each month at Custer Community Church. This is open to everyone. This year’s December meet and eat is Tuesday, Dec. 10.
Part two includes the Christmas dinner baskets. The baskets contain the items needed to cook a Christmas dinner. This includes a turkey or ham.
These baskets are pulled together with donated food items specific to the baskets. All funds donated to the Storehouse and designated as CCC money are used to purchase the turkeys and hams and any other items still needed to complete the baskets. If funds are short to complete these baskets the balance is covered by CMA. If donated funds exceed the amount needed to pay for the turkeys and hams the extra funds go to CMA’s discretionary fund.
Turkeys and hams are purchased from Lynn’s Dakotamart. Lynn’s Dakotamart has partnered with the Storehouse and been helpful with this order for years. Food orders for items still needed are made with Lynn’s Dakotamart and Feeding South Dakota.
If you donate Christmas basket items to the Storehouse they will be used in the baskets.
If you donate money for the Christmas baskets it will be used to purchase food items and the turkey and hams. Donations have to be earmarked/designated for baskets. If they are not designated they will go into the general food budget.
These baskets are handed out at 10 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 21, at Custer Lutheran Fellowship.
Part three is Select-A-Gift. The group works to raise funds and purchase toys and gift cards to be given out to community members. These gifts are obtained through the fundraiser held at The Beacon and by the Angel Trees you see at churches and businesses. Again, no one will be turned away at the door. But, you must fill out the letter and return it in time to get your choices. These gifts are handed out Saturday, Dec. 21, at 10 a.m. at Custer Lutheran Fellowship.
Do you want to volunteer to participate?
To help with the dinner contact Van Arp at 605-440-0640.
To help with Select-A-Gift contact Juli Ames-Curtis at 605-673-2967.
Food baskets are transferred from the Storehouse to CLF and then assembled on Friday, Dec. 20, at 10 a.m. If you would like to help either of these days (assembling or handing out baskets) just show up.