City and school elections to be held next week
Custer County residents will head to the polls next Tuesday to decide who they want to represent them on various town boards as well as the Custer School District Board of Education.
There are three races for seats on the Custer City Council.
In Ward I, the seat occupied by Jeannie Fischer will be contested, as she will square off with Corey Virtue for a two-year term.
In Ward II, incumbent Bob Schilling will face challenger Julie Jenniges for a one-year term. Schilling was appointed to the seat to finish out the term of former alderwoman Kris Blom, who left the council when she moved out of town. Also in Ward II, Nina Nielsen will run unopposed for a two-year term on the council. Nielsen already holds that council seat.
Ward III will also see a race, as incumbent Peg Ryan will face off with challenger Monica McGowan for a two-year term.
The election polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. June 8.
The polling place for precinct 6, 7 and 8 (Ward I, II, III) will be at Custer County Annex in the Pine Room located at 447 Crook Street.
Voters with disabilities may contact the city finance officer for information and special assistance in absentee voting or polling place accessibility.
At least two incumbents will return to the Custer School District Board of Education, as both Jeff Prior and Jeff Barnes were the only candidates to turn in petitions for three-year terms.
There will be a race for the two two-year terms on the board however, as current board member Larry Baker of Hermosa will be joined on the ballot by Caralee Weber and Sara Barrick, both of Custer. Incumbent Bob Morgan, Jr., chose not to seek reelection.
The election polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. June 8.
All eligible voters in Sentinel Hill Precinct No. 5; Custer City Precincts No. 6, 7, and 8; Pennington County Voters assigned to Custer School District; Bear Rock Precinct No. 9 and Elk Mountain Precinct No. 10 (Jewel Cave) will vote at Custer County Annex at 447 Crook Street in Custer.
All eligible voters residing in Fairburn Precinct No. 2 and Buffalo Gap Precinct No. 3 will vote at the Fairburn Community and Historical Society Center in Fairburn.
All eligible voters residing in Hermosa Precinct No. 1 will vote at United Church of Christ in Hermosa.
All eligible voters residing in Pringle Precinct No. 4 and assigned to Custer School District will vote at Pringle Fire Hall and Auxiliary in Pringle.
Voters with disabilities may contact the school business office for information and special assistance in absentee voting or polling place accessibility.
In Hermosa incumbent Dan Holsworth is challenged, as he is opposed by Marci Etherington for a three-year term on Hermosa Town Board.
Election polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. June 8.
The polling place in the municipality is United Church of Christ located at 102 N 2nd St.
Any voter who needs assistance, pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, may contact the municipal finance office at 255-4291 before the election for information on polling place accessibility for people with disabilities.
In Fairburn, Bradley Mikkelson is challenging current board member Dean Weekley for a three-year term.
The election polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. June 8.
The polling place in each precinct of this municipality is Fairburn Community and Historical Center, 710 2nd St.
Any voter who needs assistance, pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, may contact the municipal finance officer at 484-5307 before the election for information on polling place accessibility for people with disabilities.
There will be no election in Elk Mountain School District, as all three petitions filed for the two open seats on the board had an error that made them invalid. Therefore, the Elk Mountain School Board of Education will have to appoint people to the board rather than await results of an election.