Well it’s about dam time, Custer
It was all the way back in 2012 when West Dam initially began to leak after the outlet structure on the dam broke. The dam eventually lost all of its water and has sat in its semi-weed-covered, semi-boggish state ever since.
In the 12 years since then, various mayors, city councils, engineers, politicians and who else knows have given great effort to try to get the dam fixed and the pond refilled. For various reasons—many not in their control—the project has never come to fruition. So, there West Dam has sat. Empty and ugly.
Finally–mercifully—it appears that is going to change.
If you read last week’s city council coverage, you read there is an ad hoc committee, spearheaded by Mike Tennyson, that has teamed up with the city and an enginnering firmed headed up by a former Custer resident (DGR Engineering, Trent Bruce) to stop talking and start doing when it comes to fixing West Dam. It is a welcome and exciting development.
The first steps have already been completed, as bids have been let that will see a contractor cut a channel that will help the pond area dry out. That, in turn, will allow for the excavation of all of the silt out of the pond area, a required step before it can be refilled with the flowing water of French Creek. If all goes well, there could be a reconstructed dam and water back in the pond sometime in 2026. How great would that be?
That is putting the cart before the horse, however. First, funding must be found. The city has committeed money, and the state may follow suit, as West Dam, being a high-hazard dam, sits at the top of the state’s list of dams that need to be repaired. I know Rep. Trish Ladner has been working hard to try to secure funding (as much as $1 milion) from the state toward the project, and I’m sure Rep. Tim Goodwin and Sen. Amber Hulse will join her in that effort.
We applaud Mike, Trent and others on the committee who are stepping forward and putting in the work to help make this happen. Mike was already key in forming Custer Cares and reviving the nursing home, and now is diving head first into the dam (no pun intended) because he, like you, cares about this community. He and others working on the project don’t do it seeking recognition, but what the heck, we’re going to give it to them anyway, because they deserve it.
What role do you have to play? We thought you’d never ask. Custer, it’s time to put your money where your mouth is. We have received countless comments, letters, etc., over the years, lamenting the city’s (perceived) lack of action in repairing West Dam. Well, those days are over. Things are in motion. Time for us to take action as well.
To that end, an account with a fund with Black Hills Area Community Foundation was formed—the Custer Community Development Fund. A capital campaign will soon rev up, and we need everyone to pitch in. Once the money is raised, West Dam can be restored to its former glory. Please give what you can. We need to get this done.
It’s about dam time.